
Christmas Greetings!
Christmas comes calling… Are you ready?

We are in the season of joy, jubilation and celebration as we approach Christmas. On the occasion of our birthdays we celebrate the gift of life. And on Christmas we celebrate the birth(ing) of God as human, we celebrate God becoming one with Humanity. In other words we celebrate the love story of God with humankind. This is the intense form of God’s love for each one of us. Thus this festal season comes as an onus on each one of us to be loving-humans or better say as mini love-gods on earth. When we celebrate and live a meaningful Christmas, we become the perfect partners with God in His Love-saga.

As Christmas reminds us of God-with-us reality (Emmanuel), our celebration should depict the same. God, who chose to pitch His tent amidst humanity, should remind each one of us, of our duty to enter into the lives of lost humanity in the form of love, service, forgiveness, and His Kingdom Values.

May the magic of this Christmas fill your hearts and minds with Joy.
Happy Christmas
With love
Fr. Bapu