
An organization for Social Development
The values enumerated below are the guiding standards for the organization and its members including employees. We therefore not only own them and value them but also manifest them in all our endeavors to make this world a better place for the poor and the marginalized for whom, we have a preferential option. We believe in the dignity of the human persons, their right to rule and manage their own lives by developing their inherent potentialities and making the optimum use of the opportunities before them. We become the facilitators in this process.

The Dignity of the Human Being: SEVASANGAMA believes in the sacredness and the value of life and respects, protects, upholds and promotes the inalienable RIGHT TO LIFE of every human being irrespective of religion, color, caste, creed, and culture.

Equity: SEVASANGAMA believes in an equitable society where equal opportunities are provided to every person to access and control resources in proportion to each one’s needs and requirements.

Justice: SEVASANGAMA believes that every human being has the right to express and be heard and treated justly in all situations.

Solidarity: SEVASANGAMA expresses a firm determination and commitment to the common good where all will receive what rightly belongs to each.

Transparency and accountability: SEVASANGAMA takes responsibility of its own action and believes in being honest, open in communicating, being upfront, visible and consistent with its values in all its actions.

Professionalism: SEVASANGAMA believes in being efficient and effective in performance matching up with the required competencies, Skills, knowledge and attitude.