Paustik – Resilience to Malnutrition

Paustik – Resilience to Malnutrition
Malnutrition is widespread in Sevasangama working area. The primary causes of malnutrition are lack of nutritious food, poverty, lack of awareness. The people living in lower strata of society are most affected. Sevasangama realizing the acute need of intervention in this sector has implemented a Paustik Program to prevent malnutrition among pregnant women, lactating mothers and children in collaboration with the Women and Child Department and Health Department of Govt of Karnataka.

Sevasangama aims at building sustainable Community Resilience to mitigate malnutrition among the children, Adolescent girl’s and lactating mothers of 48 villages from 10 Gram Panchayats of Kaluburagi Taluka of Kaluburagi District.

Goal: To demonstrate sustainable approaches and strategies to reduce the prevalence of Malnutrition among vulnerable groups.

  • Reduce underweight and under nutrition among children , low body mass index among adolescent girls and lactating women in the project areas in the shortest possible time by following the inter –generational , life- cycle approach.
  • Eliminate wasting children and severe malnutrition among children.( earlier termed as Grade 3 and 4 malnutrition as per Gomez Classification)
  • Reduce the incidence of low birth babies, infant mortality, Child mortality, Maternal mortality, anemia and other micronutrient deficiencies among children, adolescent girls and women
  • Spread information and awareness to the communities to enable behavioural change regarding proper child care, care of the girl child throughout her life cycle, of pregnant and nursing mothers, and proper dietary practices within existing family budgets.
  • Identification of pregnant women, lactating women and children below the age of 6, and formation of mother’s groups
  • Awareness programmes/ street plays on importance of nutrition, health and hygiene, sanitation, child rights, child marriage, alcoholism
  • Training on personal health and hygiene, kitchen garden, home remedies, herbal medicines, preparation cost effective of nutritious food
  • Health camps, vaccinations,
  • Training for ASHA workers, volunteers, leaders among mothers
  • Linkages to health departments and health and other Govt. Schemes
Beneficiaries and Achievements
  • 24,877 children, Adolescent girls and lactating mothers.
  • 15546 people in 48 villages are educated on the importance of nutrition food, health and hygiene.
  • Over 60 children with Severe and Mild Malnutrition Helped
100 Pregnant women with malnutrition helped

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