Volunteer Preconditions & Requirements

Volunteer Preconditions & Requirements

Here are preconditions to volunteer with us.
  • We mainly look for students (m/f) who already started their study of a Bachelor or Master degree. This assures us that you have a specific age and already have some kind of life experience. Preferably we look for students who study international cooperation, social development, social studies, business or any related area. In case of any clarifications contact us.
  • Others who are interested in serving the society also can be volunteers at SEVASANGAMA.
  • To attend our volunteering service it is mandatory that you are already age of legal majority. This means you are at least 18 years old.
  • Interested persons must first read through Volunteer Manual of SEVASANGAMA first.
  • If you are a foreign citizen, to live and work in India you need have passport and you need to apply for a visa.
  • A record free criminal history.
  • Essentially you should be vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, pneumococcal, hepatitis a/b, typhus, hydrophobia and Japanese encephalitis. Please consult your local physician as early as possible for detailed information and your individual vaccination procedures.
  • Last but not least, we most urgently recommend you to cover a long-term health insurance!

Required information
To minimize any risk of your long-term stay we need the following copies of your documents after we chosen you as a volunteer candidate.
  • Local student Identity Card / ID Card of Candidate
  • Passport for Foreign Citizens
  • Criminal History records/ Confirmation Letter from your local Police Station regarding no criminal history.
  • Vaccination card
  • Long-term Health Insurance
  • Information on dietary or medical requirements
  • Information on religion and/or religious behavior
  • Information on any restrictions in living in close contact to animals
  • Contact details of person to inform in case of any emergency

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