Success Stories

Empowered to Enable

Name: Sulochana
Mother: Nagamma
Village: Hanganhalli
Taluka: Sedam

Background :
Sulochana was born on 21st May 1991 to Mr. Shivalingappa and Mrs Nagamma at Hanganhalli Village, Sedam Taluka. She is the youngest of the 6 children. When she was 8 months old, polio attacked her and left her with strength less legs and limbs.

Her parents and Siblings took great care of her and helped her in the schooling. With the support of her brothers and sisters she has completed BA, B Ed and at present pursuing the Master’s Degree.

When Sevasangama Sedam CBR staff identifies her she was sad, aloof and was staying at home doing nothing. She did not know the people around her except her family Members. CBR staff Lalitha motivated her to come out of the house and teach neighboring children. So she began to take tuition classes. With the help of the Rajashree Cement factory she was Availed 4 computers with which she could teach computer to the children in her vicinity and earn her living.

Slowly she was introduced to the CBR programme. She was encouraged to join the Village level DPO. As educated young woman she started to share her knowledge in DPO which then recognized her leadership quality. She was elected as the DPO Leader In the year 2014. In the DPO She brings to light the challenges of people living with Disability and helps them understand the concepts. She is a LEADER in making who courageously meets the concerned officials in the Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat and other offices.

After the completion of her B.Ed studies Sulochana renders her service as guest lecturer at Government higher primary school Hanganahalli and teaches Kannada, History, Hindi. She earns Rs.7000/- per month. With her iron persistence and resolute determination, she did develop the ability to sit before normal students and imparts the Knowledge

Today Students and teachers in the school pay due respect to her as she stands as model for the ones fail to commit themselves to the daily schedules. “She is an amazing Person, Her indomitable spirit inspires us” tell the teachers.

Sulochana is a SINGER and hence sings during meetings and other occasions and creates lot of enthusiasm around her. From her schooling she has grabbed many prizes for singing the Janapada songs. She has been selected by Nava Bengaluru Club at Bangalore for audition.

She also possesses an innate talent of writing poems through which she expresses her feelings as a person with disability and gives voice to many other disabled persons. Some of her poems bring out the social concerns and talk loudly about day today happening in the society. She also uses the online media to educate people to respect the marginalized and care for them.

An epitome of the power of positive thinking and faith in one’s self, Sulochana continues to be an inspiration for many, and her story, a brilliant testimony to how one can bounce back even when all odds are stacked against one, to be who one wants to be.