
Faith Based organisation Training Program
We live with the poor and we live for the upliftment of the poor

On 30 th July 2021 Sevasangama development Society in collaboration with KROSS and Caritas India organized an Orientation Training/ workshop on Dissemination of the Catholic Teaching and Key Strategic Pillars of Caritas India.

The programme inaugurated by watering sapling on the diaz. Rev. Fr. Victor Vaz welcomed all the guests on the diaz with a flower bouquet. It was followed by key note address by the chief guest- Rev. Dr. Micheal Miranda, the bishop of diocese of Gulbarga. In his address he said that the atrocities against women are increasing day by day in our society, and our staffs are continuously organizing sensitization programmes and trainings to reduce the same. Our sisters and animators continue to work among the poor with dedication. For this Orbit was founded in the year 2006. From Pope to Animators we are advocating the upliftment of the down trodden and marginalized.

Rev. Fr. Richard the director of KROSS organization and Caritas India has highlighted in his speech the pillars of these organizations. He said the faith based organization staff are called for inspiring and promoting local leadership to bring transformation and changes in the lives of the poor. The Caritas India working among 170 catholic dioceses in India with an aim of bring peace, equality, love and mercy through social development programmes. He also explained the purpose of social service as to human dignity to all people, to inculcate values as organization, and to extend support to all without discriminating caste and religion.