Success Stories

Paustik – Story of Avitha
Name: Avitha S/o Timmanna
Date of birth: 06.06.2015
Village: Farhatabad

Our staff Miss Rajeswari, found Anita, daughter of Timmana and Lakxmi from Farthabad Village on-10-6-2016 when she was one year old and weighed only 6 KG. She was severely acute mal-nourished child. After extensive persuasion the child was sent for Government Hospital for medical check-up

On our continual visit to Anita’s house, we counselled the family and re-enforced messages on health and hygiene and asked them to send the child to NRC. The child was availed regular immunisation and timely supplements. The knowledge on Nutritious Food, preparation and its intake and benefits were repeatedly taught.

Currently the child weighs 8 KG. His parents too are aware of the benefits of Government Scheme and able to receive food and medicine from Anganawadi.