
Relieving the Hunger
COVID 19 Pandemic has run havoc across globe. Kalaburagi District one of the most affected Districts in Karanataka. There are over 1000 COVID positive cases and several deaths in Kalaburagi. The lockdown of almost two months further impacted the lives of poor. The loss of jobs of daily wagers, no movements in city and villages, loss of income further damaged the lives of villagers.

The persons with disability also suffered a lot. Sevasangama realizing the need of the time Distributed Food Kits to 1460 Persons with Disability in Sedam and Kalaburagi Taluqs in Kalaburagi District.

The Food Kits were generously donated by Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI) was coordinated and initiated by Karnataka Jesuits under the leadership of Fr Francis Guntipilly. Sevasagnama Development Society expresses gratitudue to APPI and Jesuits of Karnataka for the generosity and the much needed help.