Success Stories

Our story 1…. Towards inclusive education
Name: Kaveri
Father :Yenkanna
Mother: Mallamma
Age: 11 years
Sex: Female
Qualification: 11nd STD
Disability: Speech and Hearing Impairment
Village: Hagaragundagi
District: Kaluburagi

Kauvery was born on 29-08-2005 to Mr. Yenkanna and Mrs Mallama as their first daughter at Hagaragundagi village Kaluburagi District, Karnataka. When Kaveri was – year old she suffered a fall which left her dumb and deaf for the rest of her life. Inspite of the medication duly done, she could not recover to be normal child. It was the desire of her mother that she should go to school like any of her child. So she sought the admission in the nearby Government school which refused to admit her as she had Speech and Hearing Impairment. So Kaveri continued to be at home, most of the times wandering in the surroundings.

Kavery was 8 year old when she was first identified by CBR staff of Sevasangama. She was shabbily dressed and was dependent on other for the daily activities like combing, bathing, eating, Self-care etc. Since mother went out to work no one was there to care for Kavery. With the arrival of 3 other kids in the family, Kavery was almost forgotten.

After studying the situation our staff helped her using Lifting barrier tool. Soon she learnt to comb her hair, put on clean clothes and to take bath. The quick response in the daily living skills encouraged her family doubling their joy of seeing the child grow. Slowely she was taken to Mysore for medical assistance. It improved her a bit but did not bring her speech and hearing ability back. After a lot of family counselling with regular house visits mother quit her job to take care of Kavery.

“I wouldn’t change you for the World, but I would change the world for you” Determined to admit her to the regular school, Sevasangama made several attempts to ensure inclusive education for Kavery. A small session in the VDPO meeting on Inclusive education and child right was discussed. Later Dpo leader Mr. saleem with his members and the cbr staff met the headmaster and sought for the admission. The Headmaster accepted to keep her in the classroom and did not officially enroll her in the school.

Happy and hale Kauvery went to school daily and sat with her peer group. Her actions and sign language distracted the other students so the teachers chased the child back home. On learnig this DPO leader and members again met the Headmaster for admission. The request was rejected. So He approached the BEO and even then child was not admitted.

On His visit to school Mr. Vekatesh the Programme Manager also spoke to the Headmaster. When he refused He approached the CEO and asked him to intervene. Finally Kauveri was admitted to the school. Today Kauvery is regular to school. She has learnt to sit with other children and keep up the discipline. Other children mingle with her and talk to her with the sign language. Her parents feel proud of her and are ready to support her.

Through advocacy Seva Sangama Kalburgi CBR team and Sri Guru Siddha Vikala Chetanara Sanga DPO ensured the rights of Kauveri. Kavery is enjoying her right to education in a normal school.

Through advocacy an awareness of the inclusive education and rights and entitlement of the Children with disability is known to the school and education department.

Teachers and Students of Hagaragundagi school have changed their attitude towards children with Disability.

Parents and neighbours appreciate the stand of the PwD’s as an organization who stood for their rights.

Kauvery’s family members,neighbours, school and society has changed their attitude towards people with Disability. Kauvery is happy hearty like any other child in the family and in the school.